Thursday, January 23, 2014

To Give Definition

Another 100 word story.

To be honest, it is now... 8 a.m.?  I've been drawing a blank since midnight.  This is one of the slow days for me I guess.  I've done a few extra stories but set them aside just because they didn't feel right (will probably revisit them later on), so instead of forcing a story out I decided to write something a little more reflective and asked myself:  Why do I write?  I know... boring.  I promise to overdose on nyquil, and hopefully my dog will wake me up before he does anything "shitty" to the carpet.

It's the start of a nice week off, so I do promise better stories as I rest up (will just be staying at home), more writing exercises, polish up some old works, and write write write.


*picture is originally from

01/22/2014 (Wednesday)- To Give Definition

               I work to live but it isn’t what defines me. 

               I live to write yet that’s just one part of me. 

               The stories I pen are really just lies that my other half tells, and the confessions I make are never in church but in glossy black ink, a stark reality given meaning by the white space of our differing perspectives and moral stance. 

               But why do you write?  I hear you ask.

               To find balance, definition, to find order in my own chaos. 

               To connect, share, entertain, to make the world just a little bit lighter.

               To be me. 

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