Saturday, November 23, 2013

Apple Flavored Kisses

Another 100 word storytelling/poem.  Turned into a poem (sorta), again.  I got a writing prompt from my writing mentor +Linda Maree Malcolm and I hope I did it justice with what she asked of me.  

I'm back to being on the proper date again!  Although I have a feeling I'll be slacking with this upcoming work week.  After tonight I'll be doing 60 hours in five days, so if I'm late with any posts and miss any comments:  apologies.  I will be a Work-Zombie these upcoming days while trying to study for my finals in between breaks.  

I won't stop writing stories/poems/jibber-jabber gibberish to entertain you.  So be sure to check in every once in a while to see what comes out of my dreams into paper and ink.  


11/23/2013 (Saturday)- Apple Flavored Kisses

It’s that glow in her eyes,
a burning mixture of lust and desire.
The sins man would act:
to seethe,
to boil,
to be the apple
of that glare.

It’s that glow in her eyes,
a smoke-y promise of
fevered skin to a
delirious mind of yearning…

oh God, how we men will
seek satisfaction
from this thirst,
for this hunger,
to this aching
serpentine desire.

It’s that glow in her eyes,
one that dares you to take that bite.
Sinking into sin with juices
dripping from between our lips…

If only we had never eaten that fruit.
If only…

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